Give it a Title: The Magical Spell of Words

This may seem like the simplest step in the Lightning Dreamwork game, but it’s one of my favorite parts. It can also be applied to any aspect of your life. Giving a title sets up expectations and invites certain energies while shutting out others.

My friend Kristi shared that she and her friends all titled their summers and each one’s experiences lived up to the title. This approach could be applied seasonally or annually. How about 2021: A Gateway for Divine Love and Joy or 2021: the year of Abundance or the Year of Dreams Come True?

It’s also fun to give titles to places you know. I love how the magic of a natural place can be enhanced with a great title like the The Path of Enlightenment, the Dragon’s Den or the Unicorn Fields.

Chefs and Bartenders know a fancy name for a dish or drink adds appeal. Why not try this with your meals at home. How would you feel trying the Elixir of Joy, the Lunch of Champions, or the Soup of Wellness and Health?

Creating a fun title and using your imagination can work together for visualizing affirmations and magical results. It’s one way to use play as a way to create the world you want. Enjoy!